Help ukraine

I believe in being vocal and active regarding important causes in the world today. I know that a lot of people (especially freelancers) are hesitant to speak out because of fear of losing out on opportunities, but I would rather use my platform to also discuss issues more important than I am, no matter how small or insignificant my platform may be. If talking about equal rights/mental health here comes across as "unprofessional" to you, I encourage you to reflect on why you believe that is the case. Silence perpetuates ignorance and ignorance fuels hatred. It is important to me to keep learning to keep growing.


Black lives matter

Women's Rights


Learn more about the war on Ukraine

Donate to the US Refugee Agency

Learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement

Sign this petition in support of restoring abortion access for all

Learn more about gender equality

Learn more about mental illness

Donate to the National Alliance of Mental Illness

Help ukraine

I believe in being vocal and active regarding important causes in the world today. I know that a lot of people (especially freelancers) are hesitant to speak out because of fear of losing out on opportunities, but I would rather use my platform to also discuss issues more important than I am, no matter how small or insignificant my platform may be. If talking about equal rights/mental health here comes across as "unprofessional" to you, I encourage you to reflect on why you believe that is the case. Silence perpetuates ignorance and ignorance fuels hatred. It is important to me to keep learning to keep growing.


Black lives matter

Learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement

Women's Rights

Add your name


Learn more

Learn more about the war on Ukraine

Donate to the US Refugee Agency

Learn more about the war on Ukraine
Donate to the UN Refugee Agency

Help ukraine

I believe in being vocal and active regarding important causes in the world today. I know that a lot of people (especially freelancers) are hesitant to speak out because of fear of losing out on opportunities, but I would rather use my platform to also discuss issues more important than I am, no matter how small or insignificant my platform may be. If talking about equal rights/mental health here comes across as "unprofessional" to you, I encourage you to reflect on why you believe that is the case. Silence perpetuates ignorance and ignorance fuels hatred. It is important to me to keep learning to keep growing.


Black lives matter

Learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement

Women's Rights

Add your name


Learn more

Learn more about the war on Ukraine
Donate to the UN Refugee Agency

Help ukraine

I believe in being vocal and active regarding important causes in the world today. I know that a lot of people (especially freelancers) are hesitant to speak out because of fear of losing out on opportunities, but I would rather use my platform to also discuss issues more important than I am, no matter how small or insignificant my platform may be. If talking about equal rights/mental health here comes across as "unprofessional" to you, I encourage you to reflect on why you believe that is the case. Silence perpetuates ignorance and ignorance fuels hatred. It is important to me to keep learning to keep growing.


Black lives matter

Learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement

Women's Rights

Sign this petition in support of restoring abortion access for all


Learn more

Learn more about gender equality

Learn more about the war on Ukraine
Donate to the UN Refugee Agency

Help ukraine

I believe in being vocal and active regarding important causes in the world today. I know that a lot of people (especially freelancers) are hesitant to speak out because of fear of losing out on opportunities, but I would rather use my platform to also discuss issues more important than I am, no matter how small or insignificant my platform may be. If talking about equal rights/mental health here comes across as "unprofessional" to you, I encourage you to reflect on why you believe that is the case. Silence perpetuates ignorance and ignorance fuels hatred. It is important to me to keep learning to keep growing.


Black lives matter

Learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement

Women's Rights

Add your name


Learn more about mental illness

Donate to the National Alliance of Mental Illness

Learn more about mental illness

Donate to the National Alliance of Mental Illness